- p320 grip module - Metal Grip Module - p365 Grip Module - p320 - Sig Sauer
List of known holster fabricators that support Icarus frames (alphabetical):
ANR Designs https://www.anrkydexholsters.com/
Four Bros. Inc. https://fourbrothersinc.com/
Havok https://havokholsters.com/
Insane Kydex https://insanekydexcreations.com/
L.A.G. Tactical https://www.lagtactical.com/holsters/
Little Holsters ***Coming Soon***
McKinaTec https://www.mckinatec.com/
MIE Productions https://www.mieproductions.com/
Northwest Retention https://nwretention.com/
Off the Grid Outfitters https://offthegridtx.com/holsters/
Packin’ Holsters ***Coming Soon***
Raven Concealment https://rcsgear.com/holsters ***Coming Soon***
Safariland https://safariland.com/collections/holsters ***Coming Soon***
Slim Fit Holsters https://slimfitholsters.com/
Sousa Tactical https://www.sousatactical.com/
Superstition Concealment https://superstitionconcealment.com/
TACRIG https://tacrig.com/
Triad https://www.triadholsters.com/
TXC Holsters https://txcholsters.com/
***You will need to inquire directly with these companies regarding which Icarus frame models they support, variations the offer, pricing etc.***